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What is Medicare for All?

Established in 1965, Medicare is a government-run health insurance program that covers all Americans age 65 and older and is funded by taxpayers. Medicare is partially funded by Social Security (a portion of which is taken out of your paycheck) to cover most services like hospital stays and doctors’ visits.

Currently, our healthcare system can be described as a hybrid.

  • Half of the money comes from the private sector (people who have private insurance through their employer or are self-insured).
  • The other half comes from the public sector (local, state, and federal governments paying into Medicare and Medicaid).
  • FACT

    People on Medicare have the option to select additional coverage from Medicare-approved private insurers to cover other services (dental, vision, and prescription drugs).

Senator Bernie Sanders introduced the Medicare for All Act of 2017, which has been deemed the “Medicare for All” legislation.

  • FACT

    "Medicare for All" proponents want every American (regardless of age) to receive health coverage.
  • FACT

    People who currently receive health insurance from their employer would move to the government system.
  • FACT

    The Medicare for All plan would cover basic health services, as Medicare does now, and also include dental and vision coverage with no copays. The only out-of-pocket fees would be for some prescription drugs and certain elective procedures.
  • FACT

    There are currently 41 million underinsured Americans and another 27.6 million Americans without health insurance.

How would “Medicare for All” affect you? Contact one of our licensed healthcare experts at (866) 817-5270 to learn more.

  • Why should I use MedicareMarket.com?

    MedicareMarket.com may help you find a Medicare coverage option that works for you. Your health is important, and while you may already have a plan that suits your needs, we are here to help you see if there may be an even better option.

  • What does it cost to use MedicareMarket.com?

    Nothing. MedicareMarket.com is a free service to help you find the Medicare Advantage insurance that’s right for you.

  • What if I don't know what I need?

    We are here to help. Helpful licensed agents can help you assess your options and give you the peace of mind knowing that you are covered under a plan that meets your needs.

  • What if I already have a plan?

    Not to worry, you are in the right place. We can help you find a plan that offers you more and lowers your premiums.

  • How do I get started?

    It’s simple, and answer a few questions so that we can find the perfect plan for you.

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